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January 12, 2009


Mom got me a helmet so I could play football with Andrew.


February 2, 2009
I got me a racie new chair but I can't reach the gas pedal yet.


February 9, 2009
I got a busy day today. The doctor is going to put tubes in my ears, clip
my tongue, take a bunch of tests and do things to make me grow big
and strong. I got my name on my helmet - so I think I may play quarterback.

February 25, 2009
My test results were awesome. I already knew that but the doctors
wouldn't take my word for it so they just had to use all those machines
to come up with the same answer.


April & May 2009






What squash? What are you talkin about?


August 25, 2009. On my way to surgery to get my feeding tube.
God is watching over all this so I'll see you when I get out of recovery.

3:00 pm 8-25-2009

Thanks for your prayers!

The surgery went very well and I'm a bit sleepy now.


August 28, 2009 - I feeling pretty good so I'm
calling my grandpa to have him come take me to my house.

Maggie is home and gaining weight already. She is doing awesome.


What do you mean I missed my mouth?
I'll have you know I'm gettin pretty good at this eating thing.


September 2009. Just sitting in the Doctor's office waiting
so I can go in and talk to her about what's going on these days.



November 2009. This is my physical therapists, Jill. She is
teaching me to stand up. You can see my feeding tube which is
helping me get the nourishment I need to grow big and strong.


Thanksgiving 2009 at Grandma Mary's & Grandpa Rick's.


I think I'll start 2010 out right by learning to juggle.
Happy New Year Everyone!



March 22, 2010 - I'm having a bad day! But check it out - I can stand
while I'm having a bad day. And, I'm eating a lot more
food these days too.


Like my new specs?




Thank you all so much for your prayers. You make me feel better
just knowing you are talking to God about me.


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Visit again soon to see the miracles God is working in me!